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Elevate your Higher Ed comms with powerful PR management software

Share your success stories. Drive media interest. Enroll more students. Get all this and more with the Presspage higher education PR platform.

A higher education PR platform to raise your university’s profile

Presspage equips you with our university press release software to raise the profile of your university in three key ways:

  • Sharing success stories that connect with and delight hard-to-reach audiences like Gen Z.

  • Establishing your university’s brand values and building trust.

  • Solving problems that show the positive impact your institution has on the lives of students.

Public relations in Education Institutions

Why use a PR software?

Your university has a story to tell. Presspage’s university crisis communication plan helps you tell your story, your way – keeping you in complete control. For more than a decade, Presspage’s PR management software has supported comms teams across a range of industries. You can use our Public Relations software to give you a fresh, creative edge, sharing stories that have a real impact on your audiences.

Clever PR tools for always-on aviation comms teams

… we’re an entire PR management solution for public relations in education institutions…

  • Your very own digital newsroom

  • Crisis communication tools including live news module

  • PR Customer Relationship Management

  • A dedicated space for Media Inquiries

  • A media database containing more than 1M contacts

  • Integrated social media distribution

  • Analytics on engagement

  • Digital asset library

Maximize the impact of your stories to delight potential students

Presspage can help you maximize the impact of your articles with relevant media outlets to delight your audiences. Use our university press release software to share your institution’s achievements with local, national and education industry publications to showcase the impact your school is having. Nothing satisfies families debating a university education more than positive, inspirational success stories.

Showcase the successes of faculties

Share stories of individual faculty successes within your institution through our public relations software for higher education, to highlight how you value their achievements. Not only does this help individual departments feel included in your comms strategy, it’s another opportunity to boost the brand profile of your institution. Presspage equips you with creative and informative ways to spread your message.

Create content that connects with Gen Z students

Connecting with potential Gen Z students can be challenging. Young adults in this demographic are the first true generation of digital natives, consuming content across multiple platforms. Presspage helps you to connect and engage with the Gen Z population where they are. Wherever they consume content, our university crisis communication plan can push your PR coverage to the next generation of students.

Control your communications during a crisis

Build credibility and maintain control of your communications during a crisis with Presspage pr management software that you can activate in seconds. Presspage helps you shape the narrative, maintain transparency and trustworthiness when your institution is under scrutiny.

Case Study

See how the Presspage university newsroom helped the CSUSM PR team manage their crisis communications under pressure.


Don’t take our word for it

  • Presspage helps us raise awareness about Del Mar College. Our online newsroom serves as a key resource to support the positive impact the college provides among the communities we serve and the individuals we’re targeting.

    Melinda Eddleman

    Associate Director of Media Relations,
    Del Mar College

  • We have established ourselves as the source of campus information, not only during emergencies.

    Katie Chappell
    Former Senior Digital Media & Engagement Strategist,
    California State University San Marcos (CSUSM)

The driving force behind PR in education institutions

Presspage has been a driving force behind PR in education institutions for more than 10 years. We can help you strengthen your communications strategy by equipping you to consistently tell stakeholder, faculty and student-focused stories that achieve maximum exposure, drive engagement, and shape a narrative that showcases the best of your institution.

It's easy to get started

Discover why companies around the world use Presspage to support their PR activity.